International Clustering Workshop
The MINE.THE.GAP International Clustering Workshop aims to foster new interregional clustering activities and project ideas among participants, with a focus on the commodity value chain.
The Workshop has been organized in the framework of the MINE.THE.GAP project which consists of nine highly experienced clusters, one RTO and one partnership across Europe. In addition, the co-organizer of the H2020 GREENPEG project will provide support by sharing its innovative technologies in exploration and possible follow-up research ideas.
Companies, clusters, research institutes and other relevant actors in the feedstock sector are invited to participate with their ideas and join the discussion dialogues. The Workshop also offers a great opportunity to establish contacts with all interested parties and stakeholders who, through innovation, want to solve a particular problem.
The Workshop will be held in person and in English. It will be free of charge for all those interested in attending. More information will be updated soon on the MINE.THE.GAP website.